Technology: Guidelines for Keeping Kids Safe

Technology can be a wonderful help in today’s world, but it can also be dangerous. Fortunately there are some things you can do to reduce the opportunities your kid will have to explore areas of the internet that they shouldn’t.

Think through some of the issues first

Spend time with your kids on the computer/tablet

Discover what your kids do on the computer/internet and engage them.

Talk to your kids

It is always good to know what your children are doing online and to have some guidelines to keep them safe. Here are some basics to think through:

Set guidelines

Dr. Jodi Gold, the author of Screen-Smart Parenting: How to Find Balance and Benefit in Your Child’s Use of Social Media, Apps, and Digital Devices, has some good samples of agreements that family members can sign. Find them in the ‘Practical Tools’ free download on that page.

Pay attention

Being attentive about what your kids are doing and talking about can give you insights into your child’s online activity.

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