Boarding School Option

Boarding school is an option for parents to consider for their children. Even though in recent years they have not been given a good review, they can be a great place for children and a positive experience for a family. If you are hesitant to consider boarding school as an option, we suggest that you read through the resources linked here. Hopefully they will give you more information to help you consider all aspects of whether boarding school is an appropriate option for your child(ren).

Boarding schools in the 21st Century? You cannot be serious! How about these ideas that come from word association “brainstorming” sessions on boarding.

Educare Boarding School.pdf

Boarding School by Cami Robbins
Camille and her husband, Larry, serve in Congo. They raised both of their children, Cara and Caleb, there for several years. Camille shares her thoughts on boarding school. This was written while her children were still in school…

Preparing Children for Boarding School by Nick and Dora Pauls
In response to a request for guidance on helping children and their families make the transition to a residential or boarding school, the Pauls prepared the following suggestions…

Off to Boarding School by Jenny Giezendanner
Thoughts of sending a young person to school in a faraway country bring out emotions of fear, denial, anger—and occasional relief!—in those who contemplate it. Horror stories circulate about TCKs who have felt emotionally damaged due to their parents’ preoccupation with their work at their children’s expense. Being “shipped off to boarding school” ranks somewhere near a fate worse than death.